Kang Yingxian,Liu Yuehua,Geng Jie,et al.Construction of integrated management system of informationalized chronic disease rehabilitation for the disabled elderly in Hebei Province[J].Chin J Geriatr Orthop Rehabil(Electronic Edition),2022,(01):54-59.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.2096-0263.2022.01.009]
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Construction of integrated management system of informationalized chronic disease rehabilitation for the disabled elderly in Hebei Province
- 作者:
康迎显1; 刘跃华2; 耿洁1; 刘学文1; 孙彦荣1
054800 清河县中心医院;100084 北京,清华大学万科公共卫生与健康学院
- Author(s):
Kang Yingxian1; Liu Yuehua2; Geng Jie1; Liu Xuewen1; Sun Yanrong1.
1Qinghe Central Hospital, Qinghe 054800, China; 2Vanke School of Public Health and Wellness, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
- 关键词:
失能老年人; 慢性康养; 互联网+; 全流程; 融合
- Keywords:
Disabled elderly; Chronic rehabilitation; Informatization; Whole process; Integration
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
With the arrival of aging society in China, the elderly have become the key target population of chronic disease rehabilitation. Among them, the probability of the disabled elderly suffering from chronic diseases is much higher than ordinary elderly and the number is increasing, and the demand for chronic disease rehabilitation services is more urgent. However, under the background of the combination of medical care and nursing and the sinking of resources, the management system of chronic disease rehabilitation for the disabled elderly at grassroots level has not been perfected, and it faces difficulties and obstacles in the aspects of department collaboration, hospital integration, platform docking, and talent training. Therefore, with the help of intelligent means, to seek integrate multiple departments and hospitals effective resources, and to establish the platform of both online and offline services, we explore a whole process integration management mode and hospital to community to home chronic disease rehabilitation integrated management system for the disabled elderly, which makes county-level hospital as the core. The system helps relieve social and family pressure. Taking Qinghe County of Hebei Province as an example, this paper expounds the operation mechanism of the informationalized whole-process integrated management system of chronic disease rehabilitation for the disabled elderly, and puts forward policy suggestions for Hebei Province.
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