Li Yao,Zhang Di,Xue Rui,et al.A study on spinal and pelvic sagittal parameters in different sitting postures among healthy adults[J].Chin J Geriatr Orthop Rehabil(Electronic Edition),2022,(02):91-95.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.2096-0263.2022.02.004]
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- Title:
A study on spinal and pelvic sagittal parameters in different sitting postures among healthy adults
- 作者:
李瑶1; 张迪1; 薛睿1; 孟宪中1; 崔妹娟2; 武泽皓3
050051 石家庄,河北医科大学第三医院脊柱一科1,质控办2,宣传部3
- Author(s):
Li Yao1; Zhang Di1; Xue Rui2; Meng Xianzhong 1; Cui Meijuan2; Wu Zehao3.
1Department of Spine Surgery, 2Quality Management and Control Office, 3Publicity Departmentthe, Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050051, China
- 关键词:
坐姿; 站姿; 脊柱弯曲; 脊柱畸形; 姿势平衡
- Keywords:
Sitting?Position; Standing position; Bent spine; Spinal Curvatures; Postural balance
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
目的 研究健康成年人在直立坐姿和舒适坐姿脊柱和骨盆矢状面参数的影像学差异。方法 对60名健康成年人(30名男性和30名女性;年龄20~40岁,平均32岁)直立坐姿和舒适坐姿的颈椎角(GCA)、胸椎角(GTA)、胸腰椎连接角(TLA)、腰椎角(GLA)、颅矢状垂直轴至S1后角的水平距离(CSVA-S)、颅矢状垂直轴至两股骨头连线中点的水平距离(CSVA-H)、骶骨斜率(SS)、骨盆倾斜角(PT)和骨盆入射角(PI)等相关参数进行统计学分析,评估坐位姿势脊柱骨盆的整体平衡。结果 与直立坐姿相比,舒适坐姿下CSVA-S平均向前移动了7.24 cm(P<0.001),CSVA-H平均向前移动了5.13 cm(P<0.001),GCA平均增加7.78°(P<0.001),GTA平均增加13.22°(P<0.001),TLA平均增加13.24°(P<0.001),GLA平均减小22.93°(P<0.001),SS平均减小15.74°(P<0.001),PT平均增加16.53°(P<0.001)。由直立坐姿变为舒适坐姿时,大部分人的胸腰椎形变为一个后凸的弧形曲线,骨盆更加后旋。结论 直立坐姿和舒适坐姿之间的脊柱矢状面参数存在显著差异;后者作为坐位时节能的姿势,显示出了更加后凸的脊柱轮廓。
- Abstract:
Objective To study the radiographic differences in the sagittal plane parameters of upright sitting posture and comfortable posture among healthy adults. Methods Statistically analysis the relevant parameter of GCA, GTA, TLA, GLA, CSVA-S, CSVA-H, SS, PT and PI from sixty healthy adults when they were respectively in upright sitting postures and comfortable postures, and evaluate the overall balance of the spine and pelvis in sitting postures. Results Compared with the upright sitting posture, the comfortable sitting posture could make the CSVA-S move forward 7.67cm on average (P<0.001), CSVA-H move forward 4.33cm on average (P<0.001), GCA increase an average of 9.87°(P<0.001), GTA increase an average of 7.72°(P<0.001), TLA increase an average of 9.24°(P<0.001), GLA decrease an average of 22.13°(P<0.001), SS decrease an average of 14.74°(P<0.001), PT increase an average of 14.53°(P<0.001). The thoracolumbar spine deforms into a kyphotic arc of the majortiy of the sixty people when they changed their sitting postures from upright to comfortable, pelves more backward in the meantime. Conclusion There were significant differences in spinal sagittal parameters between the upright and comfortable sitting postures: as an energy-saving posture in sitting, the comfortable sitting posture, which showed a more kyphotic spinal profile, was the main spinal weight-bearing posture, being an non-ignorably important factor in orthopedic rehabilitation.
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